Saturday 19 May 2018 was an exploration dive to find objects that have been damaging Professional Fisherman’s nets.
Saturday 19 May18 three boats from the Seawolf Dive Club departed O’Sullivan Beach Boat Ramp to search for objects that have been snagging professional fisherman’s nets.
The weather was really favourable with a light breeze and smooth seas.
After about 40 minutes we arrived at the first waypoint and spent nearly an hour conducting grid and circular searches using sonar. Unfortunately nothing was found.
We then set off to the next waypoint that was about 20 kms away.
Upon arrival at the second waypoint we commenced a circular search pattern looking for any object that might snag nets. After an extensive search of the area we gave up and decided to have a dive on the Seawolf.
Conditions at the dive site were not the best due to the recent rain there was a lot of silt in the water and visibility was quiet poor as the first photo shows and there was a strong current.
Wolf found a toilet and he wanted to move to the Seawolf which was accomplished. There are some photos of the dive and the move of the toilet.